關於教會 About us

​關於教會 About us


Build the Church of God with one heart and become: a church that witnesses life of God, has a mission, has spiritual discernment, care, and watchfulness.


米頓堅華人基督教會是一家不分宗派的獨立教會,我們相信聖經是基督徒信仰和生活上的權威和指引;我們歡迎相信耶穌基督為個人生命救主的信徒一起敬拜和團契,並同心協力將基督的福音傳給華人社群,讓他們相信耶穌基督的十架愛而得今世豐盛的生命,並來生復活得永生。1987年一群來自London、Liverpool 及Sheffield的華人基督徒決定在所居住的米頓堅市組織中文查經班後, 相信基督的華人日漸增加,他們都感到需要成立教會來見證基督,米頓堅華人基督教會遂於1990年7月誕生,租用在Stantonbury Campus的Christ Church舉行每週主日崇拜及團契聚會,現已改為在Oakgrove Secondary School聚會。 


Milton Keynes Chinese Christian Church (MKCCC) is a non-denominational independent church. We believe that the Bible is the authority in Christian’s guidance of faith and life. We welcome everyone who believes in Jesus Christ to be their Saviour to join our service and fellowship. We work together to spread the gospel of Christ to the Chinese community, and let them believe in the Cross of Jesus Christ to have an abundant life and get resurrected for eternal life. In 1987, a group of Chinese Christians from London, Liverpool and Sheffield decided to organise a Chinese Bible study in Milton Keynes, they believed the growth of Chinese Christian was increasing so they felt the need to establish a church to witness Christ. Milton Keynes Chinese Christian Church was born in July 1990. We have rented at Christ Church Stantonbury Campus for our weekly Sunday service and fellowship. Now we have changed to Oakgrove Secondary School to have service gathering


1. 信聖父、聖子、聖靈三位一體獨一真神。

2. 信神是萬物的創造者,是宇宙萬物之主宰,是信徒之天父。

3. 信耶穌基督是神的兒子,道成肉身,有完全的神人二性,由聖靈感孕,藉童貞女所生,在十字架上流血捨身,替人贖罪,死後三日復活、升天,顯明祂是拯救人類之救主。將來必親自再來,審判活人死人。

4. 信聖靈是三一神的第三位,受耶穌基督差遣,啟迪感化眾人,使世人為罪、為義、為審判,自己責備自己;聖靈居於信徒心中,為安慰、幫助、領導信徒進入真理的保惠師。

5. 信聖經是神所默示,是基督徒信仰與行為的最高準則。

6. 信人因始祖亞當犯罪墮落在罪惡過犯之中,不能自救。

7. 信救恩乃神白白賜與凡接受耶穌基督為救主,世人必須誠心認罪悔改,接受救恩,藉聖靈重生,方能進入神國。

8. 信人死後必復活,凡信主的人復活得生,享天堂永福;不信的復活定罪,進入永刑。

9. 信教會是耶穌基督所創立,基督是教會的元首,教會是基督的身體,信徒互為肢體,彼此相愛、相助、相顧,見證基督,宣揚福音。


1.      We believe in the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God in three persons.

2.      We believe in God as the creator of all things, the ruler of the universe, and the heavenly Father of believers.

3.      We believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, incarnate, possessing both divine and human natures, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, who shed His blood on the cross for the redemption of humanity. He died, rose again on the third day, ascended to heaven, and will personally return to judge the living and the dead.

4.      We believe in the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Trinity, sent by Jesus Christ, enlightening and influencing people to acknowledge sin, righteousness, and judgment. The Holy Spirit dwells within believers as the Comforter, Helper, and Guide into all truth.

5.      We believe in the Bible as the inspired word of God, the highest standard for Christian faith and conduct.

6.      We believe that humanity, due to the sin of our ancestor Adam, has fallen into a state of sinfulness and cannot save itself.

7.      We believe in salvation as a free gift from God, received by all who accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. People must genuinely confess their sins, repent, receive salvation, and be born again through the Holy Spirit to enter the kingdom of God.

8.      We believe in the resurrection of the dead. Those who believe in the Lord will be resurrected to eternal life and enjoy heavenly bliss, while those who do not believe will face eternal condemnation.

9.      We believe in the Church, founded by Jesus Christ, with Christ as its head. The Church is the body of Christ, and believers are members who love, help, and care for one another, bearing witness to Christ and proclaiming the gospel.



Church Pastor:Pastor Esther Tsang







英文部:Christine 、Kevin Xie




建堂小組:Kevin Xie、Christine

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